
Brentwood CF150MAx Cellular Drift Eliminator

High surface area and wide cell spacing allow CF150MAx to provide cost-effective and efficient drift removal at minimal pressure drop for counterflow applications.

  • High surface area provides maximum performance at minimum pressure drop.
  • Patented Mechanical Assembly (MA) technology for environmentally friendly, glue-free packs that can be assembled on-site.
  • Strong enough to span 6 feet, requiring a small number of support beams and reducing air blockage.
  • Can be field-cut for a tight fit around columns and other structures without sacrificing structural integrity (Dri-Seals are recommended for maximum performance).
  • Nests with adjacent modules to provide seamless drift removal by eliminating gaps between packs that can allow drift droplet bypass.
  • Drift loss of 0.001% circulating water flow (Test Method CTI-HBIK Standard 140; with proper installation and use of Dri-Seals).
  • Material meets CTI Standard 136.
Brentwood CF150MAx Cellular Drift EliminatorBrentwood CF150MAx Cellular Drift Eliminator