

Cooling tower is a common sight in many parts of the world. They are used for a variety of purposes. But what exactly is a cooling tower? What are its components, and how do they work together?

This article will discuss hybrid cooling towers and cooling tower components in detail and how they are used.


Evaporative cooling tower cooling tower components


Cooling Tower Parts and their Functions:

A cooling tower is a type of tower that is used to cool water or other fluids. Cooling towers are often used in power plants, chemical plants, refineries and most industrial process plants and factories, where they are used to cool water heated by machinery. Cooling tower works by using the evaporation of water to remove heat from the water.

The main component of a cooling tower is the itself. The cooling tower is typically made of concrete, wood, or fibreglass. The cooling tower is also equipped with mechanical equipment consisting of fans, gears, driveshafts & motors, which help to circulate air throughout the cooling tower. The above mechanical draft and equipment help to evaporate the water, which in turn helps to cool the water.

    Let’s take a closer look at all the important cooling tower parts.



                                                                                       Instrumentation and Electrical Systems:

A cooling tower’s instrumentation and electrical systems are responsible for monitoring and controlling the operation of the cooling tower’s water distribution system.


Cooling tower fan motorNozzles


Cooling Tower Float Valve








                                                                                                   Cooling Tower Fan Motor:

When the cooling tower motor is in operation, the fan motor is responsible for the cooling flow and powering the fan and cooling tower part. The fan motor can be single speed, two-speed or inverter VFD driven motors.


Cooling tower nozzles are used to spray water onto the fill media. The water sprayed from cooling tower nozzles onto the cooling tower fill media helps evaporate and cool the hot water.

Cooling Tower Float Valve:

As the name float distribution or float valves suggest, a cooling tower float valve distributes water evenly throughout the cooling tower.

Drive Shafts:

Drive shafts are used to connect the cooling tower motor to the fan.

Gear Box:

The gearboxes have many speed ratios and reduce the speed of the motor for optimal fan speed in each applicati

on. From time to time, part of the cooling tower gearboxes will need to be rebuilt or replaced.

Cooling Tower Louvers:

Cooling tower louvers help to eliminate the splashout of hot water from where the air enters the cooling tower.

Cooling Tower Gear Box

Cooling Tower Fan Deck

Water Distribution Piping

Cooling Tower Fans

Cooling Tower Drift Eliminator









 Fan Deck:

The fan deck is the working surface of the cooling tower motor, which gives you access to the cooling tower mechanicals and entry to the fill pack.

Water Distribution Piping:

Water distribution piping is used to distribute water evenly throughout the cooling tower’s distribution system.

Cooling Tower Fans:

Cooling and cooling tower fans help to circulate air throughout the cooling tower.

Cooling Tower Structure:

This is the framework that supports the cooling tower structure & can be made of fire-retardant FRP, concrete, wood or steel. The lifecycle of the structure depends upon the materials of construction and the care and maintenance of the materials used.

Cold Water Basin:

The cold water basin is where the cooled water is collected and directed to the pump suction line.

Cooling Tower Drift Eliminators:

Cooling tower drift eliminator help to remove any droplets of water that are not evaporated.

Cooling Tower Fill Media:

The cooling tower fill media is the area where the water is mixed with the fan air flow and the main heat transfer takes place. It’s deeply important to have the right type of cooling tower fill media in order to maintain good thermal efficiency and maximize the efficiency of the cooling tower.

As you can see, there are many parts that make up a cooling tower. Each part has an important role to play in the operation of the cooling tower.

In order to keep your cooling tower in good working condition, it’s important to understand all the different part of the cooling tower parts diagram and how they work together.

How Does Cooling Tower Work?

Cooling tower uses the water droplets’ evaporation to remove heat from the water. As the water droplets evaporates, it takes heat away from the water. This process helps to cool the water.

The cooling process works like this:

  1. Warm water is sprayed onto the fill media.
  2. The evaporation process cools the warm water.
  3. The cooled water is collected in the cold water basin.
  4. The cooled water is circulated back to the machinery.

The cooling process is repeated over and over again to maintain the desired process temperature.

What is Cooling Tower Fill Material?

The fill material is one of the most important parts of a cooling tower. The fill material helps to increase the surface area of the cooling tower and maximizes the airflow to the water contact, which in turn helps to increase the evaporation rate.

Many types of fill material can be used in a cooling tower. The most common type of fill material is PVC. PVC is a durable material that is resistant to corrosion. Some other types of fill material that are used in cooling towers include:

  • PP – Polypropylene
  • Fiberglass
  • Stainless steel
  • Wood

The type of cooling tower packing amount of fill material that you use will depend on the specific needs of your cooling tower.

What are the fillings of cooling tower?

The fillings in cooling towers are essential for maximizing the contact area between the air and the water being cooled. They are designed to enhance heat transfer and increase the efficiency of the cooling process.

The fillings are typically made of plastic or other durable materials and are structured to create a large surface area.

Two main types of fillings commonly used in cooling towers are splash fill and film fill.

  1. Splash Fill:

Splash fill consists of slats or bars arranged in a staggered pattern. When the water enters the cooling towers, it is distributed over the splash fill, which breaks the water into small droplets.

As these droplets fall through the open circuit wet cooling tower, they come into contact with the upward-flowing air, promoting efficient heat transfer. The splashing action also helps to increase the mixing of air and water.

  1. Film Fill:

Film fill comprises thin, closely spaced sheets or channels that allow water to form a thin film as it flows over them. This type of filling creates a large surface area for heat exchange, maximizing the contact between the water and the air.

The film fill design facilitates the formation of a thin water film, which increases the exposure of water to the air, resulting in improved heat transfer efficiency.

Both splash fill and film fill play a crucial role in cooling tower operation by facilitating heat exchange between the water and the air.

The choice of fill type depends on factors such as the specific cooling requirements, the design of the cooling towers, and the environmental conditions in which the tower operates.

How are Cooling Tower Components Built?

Cooling towers can be built in a variety of different ways. The two-counterflow or flow cooling tower is the most common type of cooling tower.

Counter flow cooling towers are the most efficient type of cooling tower & therefore, the most cost-effective design.

The second type of cooling tower is the crossflow cooling tower. Crossflow are best suited for dirty water scenarios where the water conditions are unsuitable for film-type fill.

The Bottom Line

Cooling tower is an important part of many types of machinery. They work by using the evaporation of water to remove heat from the water.

In order to keep your cooling and tower parts in good working condition, it’s important to have a good understanding of all the different parts of cooling tower and how they work together.

If you’re in need of a new cooling tower, a cooling tower upgrade or replacement cooling tower parts and functions for your industrial process, be sure to contact Industrial Cooling Solutions.

We offer various cooling towers that are sure to meet your needs. We also offer a wide range of replacement cooling tower parts and accessories, so you can keep your cooling tower in good working condition.



Cooling tower is a common sight in many parts of the world. They are used for a variety of purposes. But what exactly is a cooling tower? What are its components, and how do they work together?

This article will discuss hybrid cooling towers and cooling tower components in detail and how they are used.


Cooling Tower Parts and their Functions:

A cooling tower is a type of tower that is used to cool water or other fluids. Cooling towers are often used in power plants, chemical plants, refineries and most industrial process plants and factories.


Cooling Tower Parts and their Functions:

A cooling tower is a type of tower that is used to cool water or other fluids. Cooling towers are often used in power plants, chemical plants, refineries and most industrial process plants and factories, where they are used to cool water heated by machinery. Cooling tower works by using the evaporation of water to remove heat from the water.

The main component of a cooling tower is the itself. The cooling tower is typically made of concrete, wood, or fibreglass. The cooling tower is also equipped with mechanical equipment consisting of fans, gears, driveshafts & motors, which help to circulate air throughout the cooling tower. The above mechanical draft and equipment help to evaporate the water, which in turn helps to cool the water.

Let’s take a closer look at all the important cooling tower parts.

Spare Parts

Instrumentation and Electrical Systems:

A cooling tower’s instrumentation and electrical systems are responsible for monitoring and controlling the operation of the cooling tower’s water distribution system

cooling tower fan motor

Cooling Tower Fan Motor

cooling tower Nozzles

Cooling Tower Nozzles

Cooling Tower Louvers

Cooling Tower Louvers

Cooling Tower Float Valve

Cooling Tower Float Valve

Cooling Tower Gear Box

Cooling Tower Gear Box

Cooling Tower Fan Deck

Cooling Tower Fan Deck

Water Distribution Piping

Water Distribution Piping

Cooling Tower Drift Eliminator

Cooling Tower Drift Eliminator

How Does Cooling Tower Work?

How Does Cooling Tower Work?

Cooling tower uses the water droplets’ evaporation to remove heat from the water. As the water droplets evaporates, it takes heat away from the water. This process helps to cool the water.

The cooling process works like this:

1. Warm water is sprayed onto the fill media.
2. The evaporation process cools the warm water.
3. The cooled water is collected in the cold water basin.
4. The cooled water is circulated back to the machinery.
5. The cooling process is repeated over and over again to maintain the desired process temperature.

What is Cooling Tower Fill Material?

The fill material is one of the most important parts of a cooling tower. The fill material helps to increase the surface area of the cooling tower and maximizes the airflow to the water contact, which in turn helps to increase the evaporation rate.

Many types of fill material can be used in a cooling tower. The most common type of fill material is PVC. PVC is a durable material that is resistant to corrosion. Some other types of fill material that are used in cooling towers include:
   1. PP – Polypropylene
   2. Fiberglass
   3. Stainless steel
   4. Wood
The type of cooling tower packing amount of fill material that you use will depend on the specific needs of your cooling tower.

What are the fillings of cooling tower?

The fillings in cooling towers are essential for maximizing the contact area between the air and the water being cooled. They are designed to enhance heat transfer and increase the efficiency of the cooling process.

The fillings are typically made of plastic or other durable materials and are structured to create a large surface area.

Two main types of fillings commonly used in cooling towers are splash fill and film fill.

Splash Fill:
Splash fill consists of slats or bars arranged in a staggered pattern. When the water enters the cooling towers, it is distributed over the splash fill, which breaks the water into small droplets.

As these droplets fall through the open circuit wet cooling tower, they come into contact with the upward-flowing air, promoting efficient heat transfer. The splashing action also helps to increase the mixing of air and water.

Film Fill:
Film fill comprises thin, closely spaced sheets or channels that allow water to form a thin film as it flows over them. This type of filling creates a large surface area for heat exchange, maximizing the contact between the water and the air.

The film fill design facilitates the formation of a thin water film, which increases the exposure of water to the air, resulting in improved heat transfer efficiency.

Both splash fill and film fill play a crucial role in cooling tower operation by facilitating heat exchange between the water and the air.

The choice of fill type depends on factors such as the specific cooling requirements, the design of the cooling towers, and the environmental conditions in which the tower operates.

How are Cooling Tower Components Built?

Cooling towers can be built in a variety of different ways. The two-counterflow or flow cooling tower is the most common type of cooling tower. Counter flow cooling towers are the most efficient type of cooling tower & therefore, the most cost-effective design.

The second type of cooling tower is the crossflow cooling tower. Crossflow are best suited for dirty water scenarios where the water conditions are unsuitable for film-type fill.

The Bottom Line

Cooling tower is an important part of many types of machinery. They work by using the evaporation of water to remove heat from the water.

In order to keep your cooling and tower parts in good working condition, it’s important to have a good understanding of all the different parts of cooling tower and how they work together.

If you’re in need of a new cooling tower, a cooling tower upgrade or replacement cooling tower parts and functions for your industrial process, be sure to contact Industrial Cooling Solutions.

We offer various cooling towers that are sure to meet your needs. We also offer a wide range of replacement cooling tower parts and accessories, so you can keep your cooling tower in good working condition.


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The Benefits of FRP fans

The Benefits of FRP fans” in cooling tower design for specific industrial needs, two critical aspects come to the forefront. Firstly, it’s essential to pump adequate water into the system for effective heat mitigation from the industrial process. Secondly, ensuring the right airflow through the tower to cool the water along the fill material is vital. FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) fans and centrifugal fans are ideal for this application. FRP fans offer precise shape control, unlike traditional aluminum blades, which have structural limitations.

Why Are FRP Fan Blades Superior to Centrifugal Fan Blades?

In the world of industrial cooling towers, efficiency is paramount. While cooling towers might not be top of mind for the average person, these crucial systems, which incorporate metal, concrete, plastic fans, axial fans, and FRP exhaust fans, underpin the industries that produce our essential goods. Here at Industrial Cooling Solutions, Inc., we have been in the business of constructing, maintaining, and repairing cooling towers for decades.

The Benefits of FRP fans

Fiber-reinforced Plastics vs. plastic Fans

FRP, or fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP), a material originally developed for military applications, has emerged as a game-changer across diverse industries. Initially intended for the military, this lightweight and highly durable material quickly found its place in various industrial processes. Notably, it excels in withstanding corrosive elements, making it indispensable for scenarios involving chemicals and other corrosive materials.

While industrial cooling towers may not be associated with extreme chemical exposure, there’s still a need for materials capable of withstanding harsh conditions. In this context, the component that has reaped the most benefits from FRP materials is the fan. Specifically, FRP fan blades have taken the spotlight in modern cooling towers, overshadowing their traditional aluminum counterparts. Here’s a closer look at the reasons behind this industry shift:

  • Shape Optimization: When it comes to designing cooling towers tailored to specific industrial requirements, two key aspects come to the fore. Firstly, ensuring a sufficient flow of water is critical for effective heat dissipation from industrial processes. Secondly, maintaining optimal airflow through the tower to cool the water along the fill material is vital. FRP fans blades are an excellent choice, offering precise shape control unlike traditional aluminum blades, which have structural limitations
  • Resistance to Corrosion: While cooling towers may not be abundant with caustic chemicals, they are not immune to corrosive elements. Over time, aluminum fan blades succumb to water’s effects, necessitating replacements to prevent potential damage to the tower’s internal components. In contrast, FRP fan blades exhibit remarkable resistance to corrosive elements, ensuring longevity and superior durability, making them the optimal choice for fan blades.
  • Weight: Cooling tower fans operate at high RPMs, necessitating fan blades that can withstand rotational forces without overburdening the motor. Traditionally, aluminum has been the preferred choice due to its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. These FRP fan blades, including plastic fans, axial fans, and centrifugal fans, contribute to fan assembly efficiency while reducing stress on the motor.

At Industrial Cooling Solutions, Inc., we are dedicated to providing the best cooling tower services possible, and we believe, quite strongly, that FRP fan blades are the best option for nearly every application that our customers may have.

Contact us to learn more about the types of FRP fan blades that we offer.

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The History of FRP

The History of FRP Pt. 1

FRP Has Changed the Industrial Cooling Tower Game

The History of FRP Pt. 1

Every once in awhile, a technological advancement comes along that helps to boost the efficiency of an industry. These technological advancements work together with existing processes and components to bring a new element to an industry, greatly affecting the way the industry standards are set and, in some cases, causing people to question how the industry got by for so long without this amazing new advancement. Here at Industrial Cooling Solutions, Inc., we have been involved in the industrial cooling tower business for quite a while. In that time, we have seen advancements in the industry that have increased efficiency and lowered costs in ways that seemed impossible. In today’s post, we are going to cover the history of Fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP), a material that has been quickly adopted in the cooling tower industry to create fan blades that are more balanced and efficient than any other type of fan blade before them. Continue reading below to learn more.

FRP Technology is Relatively New

The History of FRP Pt. 1

The incorporation of FRP technology into industrial processes is less than a century old. As most people know, plastic is a relatively modern invention, with the development of most modern plastics happening in the early 1900s. Plastics came about from the efforts of chemists and scientists who were looking to develop synthetic materials that were able to mimic similar substances found in nature while simultaneously performing better than said substances. The first known product made from FRP was an experimental boat hull developed in the mid-1930s. This hull was initially developed as an experiment looking to study the effectiveness of combining fiberglass fabric with polyester resin. Somewhat surprisingly, the combination of these two materials resulted in an amazingly strong yet light hull, and laid the foundation for the use of FRP technology in a wide range of industries including aerospace, marine, and electrical applications.

Like most new forms of technology, FRP was of particular interest to the defense industry. The US Air Force and Navy quickly began to experiment with FRP composites because of its impressive strength-to-weight ratios and its ability to resist the corrosive effects of salt water. By 1945, just a few short years after the introduction of FRP composites, 7 million pounds of FRP materials were being shipped, with the bulk of the product going to the military. While the military’s early investments into FRP technology cannot be overlooked, it wasn’t long before other industries began to notice the potential benefits of FRP materials.

The Industrial Adoption of FRP

Industrial Adoption of FRP

After the military experimented with FRP composites, the public sector caught wind of the many benefits that this new material offered, especially in relation to its ability to resist corrosion. In 1948, the first pipes made from FRP were introduced and, quite quickly, the oil industry saw just how amazing this new technology was. FRP composites proved to be a viable alternative to traditional corrosive resistant materials, even in the high-pressure, large diameter situations of chemical processing. In addition to its vastly superior corrosion resistance, FRP pipe offered durability and strength that helped to eliminate the need for interior linings, exterior coatings, and cathodic protection on pipes used to transport corrosive substances. These benefits helped industries save money and, more importantly, incorporate a superior material into their processes.

Why is FRP Important to the Cooling Tower Industry?

FRP Important to the Cooling Tower Industry

Industrial cooling towers, historically, have had issues with corrosion. Not only do a large amount of cooling towers utilize water, a natural corrosive force in nature, to mitigate heat, many cooling towers also have to deal with chemical elements that are presented into the system due to industrial processes. Before the introduction of FRP materials, fan blades were almost exclusively made from aluminum due to its relatively light weight and durability. Unfortunately, aluminum is still a metal, meaning that over time, it will succumb to the effects of corrosion if exposed on a regular basis. Fan blades made from FRP composites, however, are able to resist the corrosive environment of the interior of a cooling tower, delivering unparalleled efficiency and durability. In addition to the corrosion resistance offered by these fan blades, FRP can be molded into nearly any shape. This means that cooling tower fan blades can be molded into the most optimal shape possible to push the large amounts of air that are needed for a cooling tower to run efficiently and, because the fan blades are molded into a single structure, the chance of the fan coming apart are reduced greatly.

Learn more about the FRP fan blade options that we have available here at Industrial Cooling Solutions Inc. We have been leaders in the industrial cooling tower sector for years and we are dedicated to providing the best materials possible in order to make sure that all of our clients are able to make sure that their cooling towers are performing as efficiently as possible.

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A Look At Cooling Tower Fan Efficiency Pt. 3

Efficiency Factors to Consider in Cooling Tower Fan System Design

Hello, constant reader, and welcome to part three of our multi-part blog series on the factors that inhibit the efficiency of cooling tower fan systems. As this is part three of our series, we encourage you to read our previous two posts, part 1 & part 2. Each post builds upon the last and, as a result, you may find yourself quite lost if you are not familiar with the context of this series. In today’s post, we are going to pick up where we left off last time and delve deeper into the second main factor that can affect the efficiency of a fan system: The fan housing. Like most components in a large machine assembly, the fan housing plays a role that, if not properly optimized, can have a larger negative impact on the overall efficiency of the system than one would first suspect. Even a small decrease in efficiency can be enough to throw off an entire cooling tower system, which is why it is so important for engineers to make sure that their initial system is as optimal as possible before construction.

Don’t Take Your Fan Housing For Granted

In our previous post, we discussed the impact that system design can have on the overall efficiency of a cooling tower fan system. If inefficiencies are built into the system from the start, such as insufficient blade design and positioning, the system is never going to be able to perform at its peak. While these two factors account for a lot of the inefficiency found in fan systems, the housing of the fan assembly can also cause issues with overall efficiency. In the world of industrial cooling towers, one of the most important factors of system loss revolves around the air leakage around the tips of the fan blades. This loss is directly influenced by the tip clearance of the fan blades and the velocity pressure at the operating point and is caused by the tendency of high-pressure exit air to circulate around the fan blade tips into the low-pressure air in the inlet of the tower. For this reason, it is important to make sure that the inlet conditions of a cooling tower are as optimal as possible.

Pay Attention to the Inlet Conditions

In relation to wet cooling towers, a velocity recovery stack is a common means by which engineers can improve inlet conditions and conserve horsepower. To perform this function, velocity recovery stacks most often incorporate a slightly tapered exit cone in conjunction with a well-rounded inlet bell. This results in a significantly reduced velocity pressure at the exit of the inlet compared to the plane of the fan. Because the quantity of air on both planes is the same, however, the recovery of velocity pressure is converted into static regain, lowering the total pressure requirements of the fan. This results in less horsepower being needed to produce the required rotational velocity of the fan. Additionally, the entrance into the velocity recovery stack through the fan deck should not be neglected because, often, this entrance can create turbulence and losses in the fan system. Although most stack designs tend to incorporate a large inlet radius, heavy structural members beneath the stack or a sharp corner through the fan deck ca negate the smooth air flow condition in the stack itself. It is important to note that these issues are not under the control of the end user, meaning that the design of the cooling tower itself should try to limit these negative variables.

Thank you for taking the time to read our third entry into our blog series on cooling tower fan efficiency. Join us again next time as we conclude our series by discussing the recirculation of hot air how this factor can contribute to decreased efficiency in a cooling tower fan system. As always, if you would like to learn more about the cooling tower fan options that we offer here at Industrial Cooling Solutions, Inc., please contact us today.

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A Look At Cooling Tower Fan Efficiency Pt. 2

Cooling Tower Fan Efficiency Requires Careful Analysis

Hello, and welcome back to the Industrial Cooling Solutions, Inc. blog! If you are just now joining us, we are in the middle of a multi-part blog series that is dedicated to detailing the factors that influence the efficiency levels of industrial cooling tower fans. If you have not read our previous post, we highly suggest that you go do so now. While you may find the information in this second post useful, it is build upon important ideas that are presented in the first post and, as such, will make more sense if you read the posts in sequential order. Now that we have that small disclaimer out of the way, we are going to use today’s post to continue where we left off last time and discuss some of the factors that influence the overall efficiency of a cooling tower fan system. While each factor may seem small when isolated, together they can greatly decrease the efficiency of a cooling tower, effectively rendering the tower useless for its intended application. Keep reading below to learn more.

Potential Losses in System Efficiency Can Occur in Several Separate Areas

When it comes to overall system efficiency in cooling tower fan assemblies, there are three main areas that need to be considered by researchers and engineers alike.

  1. Losses caused by the system design of the fan rather than by variable physical properties.
  2. Losses caused by variable environmental properties.
  3. Performance losses caused by the recirculation of hot air.

Of these three main areas of potential loss, only the second category is easily fixable. Below, we have listed out the details surrounding the first category that affects the efficiency of a cooling tower fan system.

Losses Caused by System Designs

While the variables that might potentially decrease the efficiency of a cooling tower fan system are sometimes easy to identify, most of the time they are not. One factor that can greatly affect the overall efficiency of the system is the design of the fan blade. For the most part, modern axial fans found in industrial cooling towers are made from either FRP materials or aluminum. Aluminum fan blades, by their very nature, are always of a uniform design, whereas FRP fan blades can be molded into pretty much any shape that an engineer may want. No matter which type of fan blade material is used, the main purpose of the fan assembly is to produce uniform airflow over the entire plane of the fan. Uniform airflow ensures that the optimal amount of force is produced to adequately dissipate the heat that is introduced into the cooling tower. To determine that a fan blade design is able to produce the amount of airflow that is needed, the work done at any radius along the fan blade is a function of blade width (angle of attack and tangential velocity squared).

The Shape of Fan Blades Plays an Important Role in Efficiency

With the above information in mind, it can be concluded that as a point on the fan blade decreases from the tip toward the hub of the fan assembly, the tangential velocity decreases sharply. To compensate for this and produce uniform airflow, the twist of the blade along with its width must also increase. This becomes an issue when dealing with aluminum fan blades because if the blade width cannot be increased, the twist of the blade must be increased to compensate. Due to the elasticity limits of aluminum, this twist can only be taken to a certain level before the fan blades break. Luckily, FRP fan blades have no such limitation because they are molded into a single piece, allowing the most ideal shape to be more closely achieved.
Another factor that is affected by the design, shape, and twist of the fan blade is the fan operating point, or the point where the system resistance line meets the fan performance line. In laymen’s terms. The operating point is the blade pitch angle that produces the necessary air flow against the required system resistance of the cooling tower. Depending upon the fan speed, only a single pitch angle will be able to satisfy the system design operating condition. To put all of this together, within certain limits, the speed of a cooling tower fan can be adjusted so that the most optimal pitch angle can be selected that will satisfy the required system resistance.

Faulty Design Leads to Faulty Performance

When considering the above two points, it is easy to see how poor fan blade design, as well as a poor selection in the operating point of the fan system, can contribute to a loss in efficiency of a particular cooling tower fan system. Once in place, these two factors are not always the easiest things to fix, meaning that it is always in the best interest of the engineer and designer to make sure that their initial system design is as efficient as possible. If these considerations are not taken into account, valuable time, energy, and money will have to be spent rectifying the issue.

Thank you for reading part two of our blog series on the factors that should be taken into consideration in relation to cooling tower fan efficiency. If you would like to learn more about our selection of FRP fan blade designs and the applications in which they can be used, please contact us today at Industrial Cooling Solutions, Inc. We have completed dozens of cooling tower projects around the world and we are certain that we can handle any and all needs you may have when it comes to optimizing your fan system.

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A Look At Cooling Tower Fan Efficiency

Is Your Cooling Tower Fan as Efficient as Possible?

In the world of industrial cooling towers, many tower components are necessary to ensure that the tower is mitigating heat as efficiently as possible. Proper water flow is important in making sure that the fill material is properly saturated and is able to impede the rising heat, clean surfaces are necessary to ensure that scaling does not affect the evaporation rate of the water, and proper airflow is needed to make sure that the heat does not stagnate in the body of the cooling tower. While all of these components play a part in the overall efficiency of the cooling tower, the fan assembly, if not properly optimized, can negate the positive components by greatly diminishing the amount of heat that is able to be exchanged. In the first of a multi part blog series, here at Industrial Cooling Solutions wanted to take a look at the efficiency of cooling tower fans in relation to both dry cooling towers and wet cooling towers. While different in the way that they exchange heat, both cooling towers have some commonalities that make them worthy of assessment. Continue reading below to learn more.

Fan System Efficiency is of the Utmost Importance

Although dry cooling towers and wet cooling towers are different in the ways that they provide heat mitigation, they also have a few things in common. Both industrial cooling tower types contain an axial fan to move the air inside of the tower, both have a shroud or other covering to simultaneously contain the fan and funnel air into the fan, and both have plenums that direct air so that heat can be transferred by direct or indirect contact. When designing fan systems for these types of cooling towers, the first step is to develop a fan performance curve. Using this curve, engineers can determine an operating point at which the fan performance exactly matches the system requirements of the cooling tower itself. Typically, performance curves as they relate to cooling tower fans are obtained under ideal, reproducible conditions. They are obtained this way so that engineers can be certain that they will be able to reproduce the efficiency levels in the real world, not just in the research lab. To illustrate this point, consider the following example: Test conditions for cooling tower fans usually require a blade tip clearance on a five foot fan blade of about 0.040 inches with a large inlet bell. Under these ideal conditions, total fan efficiency is typically in the 75 percent to 85 percent range. However, as most people who have experience with cooling towers know, in most full-scale fan tests, “real life” performance tends to fall in the 55 percent to 75 percent range. What happened to the efficiency level? The answer, quite simply, is that while the fan efficiency is exactly the same (75 to 85 percent efficient) the system efficiency is much, much lower.

How can a Fan be Efficient While the System isn’t?

Answering this question, once again, requires an example. Let’s assume that we have to design a forced draft air cooled exchanger whose function is to make sure that a factory is able to properly eliminate heat. The tower has been designed to move 200,000 Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) of air while operating against a system static pressure of 0.42 inches of water. The initial fan performance curve showed that a cooling tower fan with a diameter of 14 feet coupled with a 21 horsepower motor would be sufficient for the job. Using a little math, the engineers find that the Total Fan Efficiency at this operating point is 87 percent, a number that falls well within the acceptable range. Unfortunately, when the system is activated, it is found that it is insufficient in cooling and unable to meet the 87 percent efficiency benchmark that the math showed it was capable of. When trying to determine what caused the sharp decrease in efficiency, it was found that recirculation loss, top losses, and reverse flow at the hub all lead to a decrease in system efficiency.

All of these losses, when combined, reduced the efficiency of the fan system by 20 percent, meaning that the real fan efficiency was closer to 67 percent. Additionally, some simple math shows that the design should have called for a motor closer to 27 horsepower in strength instead of the 21 horsepower unit called for by the initial ideal fan curve. As you can see, not taking the entirety of the fan system into consideration when trying to determine efficiency levels can be frustrating when the end result is less than nominal.

Join us again next time as we further expound upon the topic of cooling tower fan efficiencies and go over some of the small factors that can increase efficiency in these systems. Additionally, if you are in need of cooling tower construction services, cooling tower replacement parts, repair of your current cooling tower, or simply want someone to talk to about your cooling tower, contact us today at Industrial Cooling Solutions, Inc.

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Fans Cooling Tower

Stay Cool & Secure: Is Your Fans Cooling Tower Alright?

Sometimes, the machines we use daily need a little TLC, and we aren’t talking about the classic 90s R&B group. When you think about the good fan, your cooling tower deserves all the tender love and care you can spare. Without your tower, whatever industry you work in would not be possible. 

While the industrialization of our nation was a good thing overall, it also presented us with a new problem in the form of excess heat. Heat, for the most part, is not something that most people think about on a given day; however, heat can be a highly destructive force for individuals involved in industrial-related fields. 

cooling tower fan

Traditionally, heavy machinery does not like heat. That isn’t to say that tower fans cannot operate under conditions that, to a human, would seem excessively hot; it simply means that they do not like having to deal with any more heat than is necessary. 

In today’s post, we here at Industrial Cooling Solutions Inc. wanted to go over an important subject—when is it time to replace the fan blades in your industrial best tower fans cooling tower?

These tower fans cooling tower play a major role in eliminating heat, and it is important that you, as the operator, know when it is the right time to retire one fan and replace it with another. Keep reading below to learn more.

Understanding Cooling Tower Fans:

The cooling process is greatly aided by remote control cooling tower fans, which are crucial for cooling tower systems. Their main job is to rotate cool air and transfer heat from the water inside the tower to the surroundings easier. The fans cooling tower provides effective cooling and convenient remote control air purifiers and the optimum flowing water temperature by generating a constant flow of cool air.

Maintaining the best cooling tower fan performance requires routine maintenance. Tower fans cooling tower may gather dust, dirt, or mineral deposits over time, reducing their effectiveness and airflow. 

oscillating tower fan

Fan blades, motors, and bearings should be cleaned and inspected regularly to guarantee smooth operation and avoid problems like imbalance or damage. The best tower fans ‘ lifespan is increased by proper lubrication, which also lowers friction. 

Monitoring fan belts, examining electrical connections, and carrying out routine performance evaluations are crucial features to spot and fix possible issues early. Making routine maintenance a top priority enables you to maximize the effectiveness and dependability of your remote control cooling tower fans, thus improving the performance of your cooling system.

Are You a Fan of Your Fan?

When it comes to manage industrial cooling towers, many pieces must work together to ensure the tower is effectively doing its job. The water pump must be in proper working order to ensure that the necessary amount of liquid is pumped into the tower system; the fill media must be properly placed and cleaned to reduce the amount of lost water.

Also,  the entire tower must be free from scale build-up to ensure that the maximum amount of heat is being mitigated as possible. While all of these details must be taken care of to ensure that the tower performs as optimally as possible, it is especially important to ensure that the fan inside the cooling tower is in the best working condition possible. 

Without the fan, it doesn’t matter if all of the other components of the tower are perfect; the water will not be cooled properly, and, as a result, the tower will not be able to rotate cool breeze and perform its job. 

Signs of a Faulty Cooling Fan:

Maintaining the effectiveness and functioning of your cooling system depends heavily on the cooling tower fan. It ensures your equipment runs smoothly by assisting with gentle air circulation and heat dissipation. 

Air conditioning (HVAC) on the roof of an industrial building Air conditioning (HVAC) on the roof of an industrial building  Cooling Tower Fan stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

However, fans cooling tower might have problems influencing their performance like any mechanical part. Understanding the symptoms of a failing oscillating tower fan is essential for avoiding expensive failures and ensuring the lifespan of your cooling tower. Read further for the following warning signs:

Inadequate airflow and decreased cooling effectiveness: 

The system’s cooling efficiency and air speed show malfunctioning cooling tower fans. If you observe that the cooling capacity is not operating at the required levels or that the air speeds from the tower are weaker than usual, there might be a problem with the fan.

Strange sounds and vibrations:

Unusual sounds or vibrations during operation are another sign of defective remote control cooling tower fans. These sounds of tower fans might be loud, erratic vibrations, or rattling or grinding. Such fan noises and vibrations may indicate a motor problem, broken or loose fan blades, or misalignment.

Fluctuating temperatures or overheating: 

The system may experience overheating problems due to a broken fans cooling tower. It may indicate that the cooling fan is not properly circulating the air to provide proper cooling if you find that the temperature levels in the tower are regularly higher than usual or if you detect temperature variations. you can use an air purifier.

Extravagant energy usage:

Energy use may rise as a result of broken cooling tower fans. If there is a sudden boost in energy demand with no other explanation, the fan may not be working as accurately as it should. This increased energy use may result in greater electricity costs and less effective cooling.

Visual inspection and physical damage indicators: 

It is crucial to examine the oscillating tower fan visually. Look for physical damage indicators, such as twisted or broken fan blades, loose connections, or wear-and-tear indications. Visual clues can offer insightful information about the state of the fan and assist in spotting possible problems.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance Tips for fans cooling tower:

Proactive troubleshooting and routine maintenance are crucial for preserving the functionality and durability of your best tower fan. You may solve common fans problems by becoming familiar with a few straightforward troubleshooting methods and implementing efficient maintenance procedures.

The engineering team checks the operation of the air-chiller HVAC system of a large industrial building. The engineering team checks the operation of the air-chiller HVAC system of a large industrial building. Tower Fan stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

So let’s learn how to effectively troubleshoot and control your oscillating tower fan to guarantee that it operates at its peak efficiency.

Simple methods for troubleshooting typical cooling tower fan issues:

There are straightforward troubleshooting procedures you may use when dealing with typical oscillating tower fan issues before enlisting expert help. Inspecting fan electrical connections, verifying appropriate alignment and balance of the fan, checking for loose or broken fan belts, and removing any dirt or obstructions from the area around the fan are a few examples.

You can fix simple difficulties and get the fan working again by taking care of these frequent problems.

Routine maintenance, such as belt replacement and lubrication:

The best functioning of your oscillating tower fan depends on routine maintenance. This also entails routinely lubricating the motor and fan bearings to lessen friction and increase longevity. 

Fan belts must be regularly inspected and promptly replaced to avoid belt slippage and preserve correct functioning. pickup the fan routine maintenance in your maintenance program; it may maximize your cooling tower fan’s effectiveness and lifespan.

Cleaning and buildup prevention advice for the fan system:

For the oscillating tower fan system to remain effective, debris collection must be avoided. Clean the fan housing and blades often to eliminate dirt, abnormal fan speeds, dust, or debris obstructing airflow. 

Pick up the proper cleaning equipment and methods to prevent harming the fan components. To further reduce the chance of clogging and potential damage, consider installing safety screens or filters to stop big debris from entering the fan system.

Options for expert maintenance and repairs:

While many fans cooling tower problems may be resolved with straightforward troubleshooting and routine maintenance, it is essential to have access to expert maintenance and repair solutions. Professional technicians have the knowledge and specialized equipment to identify and fix complicated issues quickly. 

They may conduct thorough examinations, make sophisticated repairs, and offer maintenance services designed for your cooling tower fan system. Pickup the experienced fan knowledge, that guarantees your oscillating tower fan to gets the maintenance and care it needs to perform at its peak.

When do you need to replace your cooling tower fan?

However, how should a person know when to replace a failing personal tower fan? 

Air conditioning system on roof Air conditioning system on roof Tower Fan stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Below, we have listed some points to consider when deciding whether or not it is the right time to change your cooling tower fan.


The first thing you must consider when deciding whether or not to replace the fan in your industrial cooling tower is how old the fan is. Was it installed recently, say two or three years ago, or is it the fan that came with the tower when it was installed over a decade ago? 

fans cooling tower are designed to work for a long time; however, like any machine component, they are not designed to last indefinitely. If your personal tower fan is over five years old, we suggest you inspect it carefully to ensure it still depends on the task it was built for.


Piggybacking off of the first point, it is important to inspect your fan’s blades and body regularly to make sure that fans cooling tower have not been structurally compromised. When inspecting the fan, look for cracks, dents, chips, or other structural damage. 

While a small crack or chip might not seem like an efficient deal in the scheme of things, any compromises in the structural integrity of your system’s fan can result in the fan ripping itself apart at an inconvenient time. 

If you notice that your fan has damage near the center (the area where the blades of the fan meet), you must replace your fan. The rotational fan speed at which these tower fans operate could cause the fan’s blades to come off, abnormal fan speeds, fan damaging fill material or, in more extreme cases, causing damage to the tower’s walls.

Type of Fan: 

This tip is more a matter of opinion, but considering we are experts in industrial cooling towers, our opinions are valid. Traditionally, fans cooling tower were made from aluminum. 

These aluminum tower fans were lightweight, durable, and, for the most part, the best option for their intended application. Unfortunately, these aluminum fans had a few weaknesses. The most glaring weakness was that the fan’s blades had to be attached to a central hub. 

Where the blades were attached to the central hub became a major weak spot for the fans and resulted in stress fractures that could cause the blades to rip off at high fan speed. Luckily, this issue has largely been resolved with the introduction of FRP fan blades. 

These tower fans are molded into a single piece and made from a hard, durable plastic much less likely to break apart than traditional aluminum blades. If your cooling tower does not use FRP fan blades, we highly recommend you consider making the switch. Not only are FRP fan blades more efficient at what they commit, but they also have a much longer lifespan.

Wrapping Up:

In conclusion, monitoring the condition of your energy-efficient, personal tower fans is essential for preserving your cooling system’s efficacy and efficiency. You can ensure your cooling tower fan stays in top shape by being aware of the features, speeds & symptoms of a failing slim profile cooling tower fans, abnormal fan speeds, comprehending its function in the cooling rotate process, and putting regular maintenance procedures into practice.

Red flags, including inadequate ventilation, strange sounds, overheating, excessive energy use, air purifier, or obvious physical damage, shouldn’t be disregarded. Remember that a well-maintained energy efficient, best tower fan adjust cooling effectiveness, lowers your energy expenses, and helps you prevent expensive repairs. 

So, take the necessary actions to manage or control your cooling tower fan running smoothly and profit from a cooling system in good working order. Keep cool and use your remote control cooling tower fans in a comfortable approach easily.

Best Platform for Tower Fans’ Maintenance:

Are you seeking reliable and effective remote control cooling tower fans repair and maintenance services? 

There is no need to look beyond ICS (Industrial Cooling Solutions)! We are committed to adjust & maintain your cooling tower fans’ best performance and energy efficiency. From motor troubles to airflow limits, our team of skilled experts is skilled at diagnosing and fixing many cooling tower fans problems. 

Roof air conditioning system of commercial office building

Why ICS is a leading platform?

To increase the lifespan of your cooling tower fans and avoid expensive rotates breakdowns, we provide regular inspections, cleaning, lubricating, and other essential services. ICS can manage your cooling tower fans operating without a hitch. To schedule a consultation and discover the ICS difference, Pickup the idea to contact us immediately!

Prevent operational disruption due to malfunctioning cooling tower fans. Schedule your tower fans’ maintenance and turn on your repair services with ICS immediately to get a dependable, effective, cooling, gentle breeze all year in a comfortable way!

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Why Axial Fans Are Better

Axial Fans Should be the Obvious Choice

Here at Industrial Cooling Solutions Inc., we want all of our customers to have a solid understanding of the different components and assemblies of their cooling tower. In our previous post, we briefly explained the difference between axial fans and centrifugal fans as they relate to industrial cooling towers. In today’s post we are going to continue with this subject, however, we are going to delve a little further into the benefits that axial fans offer for industrial cooling applications. We hope that by the end of this blog you have a better understanding of why axial fans are the best choice in terms of efficiency and productivity. Continue reading below to learn more.

Save Money and Increase Productivity

When it comes to industrial cooling processes, efficiency is key. The effective mitigation of heat in industrial processes accounts for a large percentage of the energy that many facilities consume. As a result, it is in the best interest of these facilities to make sure that their industrial cooling systems are functioning as well as they possible can. Axial fans help to increase this productivity in multiple ways and below we have listed just a few.

  • Airflow: One of the most important variables of an industrial cooling tower is the efficiency of its airflow. Without airflow, cooling towers are unable to dissipate heat as effectively as they are designed to. Proper airflow ensures that the fill material and water system are vented properly, reducing the amount of heat within the entire system. Axial fans help to increase the level of airflow by putting out a large volume of air at a consistent pace. While not as forceful as centrifugal fans, axial fans circulate the air efficiently enough to get the job done.
  • Easier Maintenance: While airflow is an important component of a fan system, maintenance is a component that cannot be ignored. Maintenance costs are something that cannot be ignored when it comes to industrial cooling towers. Of the two fan types, axial fans are much easier to maintain because they are not part of a closed system like centrifugal fans. If an axial fan becomes damaged or needs a routine maintenance check they can be quickly analyzed and repaired. Not only does this save money in relation to repair costs, it saves the maintenance worker time as well.
  • Variable Speed: One of the greatest advantages of axial fans is the fact that they can be adjusted based on the output needs of the tower. While centrifugal fans can have their speed adjusted, it greatly decreases the amount of airflow that is produced. Axial fans, on the other hand, can be run at a lower speed without having a huge effect on the amount of air that is produced.

If you would like to learn more about our fans please contact us today. At Industrial Cooling Solutions Inc., we are dedicated to providing the best in industrial cooling solutions and we are certain that we can handle any need that you may have.

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Preparing Your Cooling Tower For Winter Operation

Preparing Your Cooling Tower For Winter Operation
Is Your Cooling Tower Ready For Winter?

As summer fades into fall, thousands of businesses across the United States are preparing their cooling towers for the lower temperatures that are about to descend upon the land. Unless you are lucky enough to live in a state that experiences mild winters in comparison to the rest of the country, chances are that you can expect the next few months to get increasingly colder until, quite suddenly, the winter months are fully upon you. While humans have found many ways to deal with the lower temperatures, special attention needs to be paid to the machinery that makes our modern lives possible. In today’s post, we here at Industrial Cooling Solutions Inc. wanted to go over some tips that are designed to make sure you have taken the necessary steps to ensure that your industrial cooling tower is ready for winter and will not fail you during an inconvenient time. Continue reading below to learn more.

Don’t Let the Cold Weather Get Your Cooling Tower Down

When it comes to proper cooling tower operation in cold weather temperatures, certain steps must be taken to ensure that the tower not only does its job effectively but does it in a way that does not cause unneeded damage to the cooling tower itself. Cooling towers, by their very nature, are supposed to be able to operate in a wide range of temperatures. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that they don’t struggle to be effective when certain ambient temperatures are thrust upon them. Below, we have listed a few steps you need to take to make sure that your cooling tower does its job properly all winter long without worrying about damage occurring to the tower or any of its components.

  • Remove Scale: If you have read any of our previous blogs, you are already well aware of the fact that reducing the amount of scale buildup and biological contaminants present within the cooling tower is one of the best ways to make sure that your tower is operating as efficiently as possible. When there is a lot of buildup on the inside of a cooling tower, the heat mitigation abilities of the tower are reduced to less than optimal levels. While this little maintenance tip is most commonly talked about during the summer months, it is still an important thing to remember during colder months. Reducing the amount of scale buildup present in the tower lowers the likelihood of corrosion, a condition that can negatively affect the rate of heat transfer.
  • Remove Snow and Ice Buildup: This tip is really only pertinent if you live in an area that experiences snow and freezing temperatures, however, because many areas of the country have to deal with these two factors, we felt that it was important to include it in this list. When it comes to your cooling tower, you want to make sure that the fan blade is free from any ice or debris that may have gathered along the blades. Industrial cooling tower fan blades rotate at extremely fast speeds, meaning that even a small imbalance caused by excessive snow or ice buildup can be enough to reduce the efficiency of the fan or, in a worst case scenario, cause the fan to break from unbalanced rotational forces. While it is true that newer FRP fan blades are less likely to experience damage in this way, we feel that it is still important to make sure that your fan is free from anything that could potentially cause issues.
  • Antifreeze: Depending upon the ambient air temperature, cooling towers should have a certain amount of glycol present in their systems. Glycol works much like the antifreeze in a vehicle, reducing the temperature at which liquid produces ice crystals. By reducing the temperature at which the liquid in your cooling tower freezes, you can make sure that any spray nozzles and fill material that are constantly exposed to water or less likely to freeze over. While fill material can be unfrozen relatively easily, a frozen spray nozzle can easily lead to a busted spray nozzle.
  • Keep Your Tower Warm: One of the best ways to make sure that your cooling tower is not negatively affected by low ambient air temperatures is to keep it as warm as possible for as long as possible. Maintaining heat in the tower, coupled with the antifreeze that should be present in the liquid, will make it difficult for ice crystals to develop even if the outside air temperature is well below freezing. To accomplish this, we suggest that you set your water pump to run continuously. As the water pump draws heat from the building it is connected to, the water entering the tower will be warmer than the water that is already present in the tower. Additionally, the pump itself will produce heat, further reducing the chances that something freezes that isn’t supposed to.

If you are in need of industrial cooling tower services, please contact us today at Industrial Cooling Solutions Inc. We provide cooling tower construction, maintenance, and repair services and can provide you with any and all parts that your tower may need including fan motors, fan blades, and fill materials. Don’t settle for second best when it comes to your cooling tower needs, contact us today and let us show you why we have become a trusted name in the industry.

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Operating Cooling Towers In Cold Weather Conditions

Cold Weather Presents Unique Issues For Cooling Towers

Hello, and welcome back to the Industrial Cooling Solutions, Inc. blog. With summer coming to an end and autumn just quickly approaching, cooling towers across the country are going to face an interesting issue. During the spring and summer months, cooling towers have the benefit of natural, ambient heat to ensure that all liquid is kept in, well, a liquid state. As we all know (at least we assume you know if you are reading this blog), cooling towers are responsible for the mitigation of heat in industrial applications and, for the most part, tend to do their jobs well. As heat escapes from cooling towers and is mixed with water falling through specially designed fill materials, the majority of the heat is removed from the system and the industrial processes can continue without interruption. However, what happens when the temperatures outside begin to drop? What happens if, all of a sudden, spray nozzles located within a cooling tower are unable to properly spray water because they have become frozen shut. In today’s post, we are going to proper cold weather operation guidelines as they relate to cooling towers and what you, as a cooling tower enthusiast, can do in order to make sure that your towers are operating as optimally as possible when the temperature decides to drop. Continue reading below to learn more.

Cold Weather Brings With It Special Circumstances

For the most part, cold weather tends to interrupt a lot of processes that, during warmer times, function perfectly fine. For the purposes of this blog post, we feel that we first need to define what we mean by “cold weather” as it relates to the operation of cooling towers. For our purposes, sustained freezing conditions occur when more than 24 hours go by without wet bulb temperatures going above 32°F. This is considered a sustained freeze because, unfortunately, during weather conditions such as this there is no point where the ambient temperature reaches a high enough level for a freeze-thaw cycle to occur. When this occurs, certain principles must be followed in order to ensure that the cooling tower is able to properly perform its intended function. Below, we have listed these basic principles.

  • When operating a cooling tower in cold weather conditions, do not operate the tower without a heat load and, most importantly, do not allow the cooling tower to remain in unattended operation for multi-day periods experiencing subfreezing temperatures.
  • Always maintain the design minimum or greater amount of water flow rate over the cooling tower heat exchange media, also known as the fill, at all times. This ensures that water is flowing over the fill media at all times and reduces the instances of water freezing to the fill material.
  • Maintain the proper airflow by ensuring that the cooling tower fan is in proper, working order. This works to maintain above freezing water temperatures in all section of the fill media, further ensuring that the fill media will not become frozen after repeated exposure to subfreezing temperatures.
  • If the desired system condenser water flow is reduced below the minimum, the number of cooling tower cells must be reduced at the same time. This works to make sure that the water flow is greater than or equal to the minimum flow per cell.
  • Certain manufacturers of cooling towers may be able to extend the flow percentage minimum to a lower value by using certain design provisions of internal cell water distribution that can accommodate low flow by reducing active plan area while keeping the industrial cooling tower interior heated and moist.

These principles will work to ensure that the industrial cooling tower is able to operate as it should no matter the conditions of the outside atmosphere.
Thank You for taking the time to read our short blog series on the steps to take to make sure that your industry’s cooling tower is able to perform optimally during cold weather conditions. If you would like to learn more about the best ways to make sure that your cooling tower is able to perform during cold weather conditions, please contact us today at Industrial Cooling Solutions, Inc. We have a track record of providing the best in cooling tower installation, cooling tower parts, such as cooling tower fan blades, drive shafts, and motors, and consultation services. Contact us today and see why we are a trusted name in the industrial cooling tower industry.  

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